Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Cathedral of Shadows

We start our Blog at towards the end of Keep on the Shadow Fell.

The Titans have hacked their way relatively easily through a bunch of Zombie and a Ghoul and entered a Cathedral. On entering the Cathedral they see a priest atop an alter chanting to Orcus with two undead guards besides glowing green pillars either side of a pit. As Bob seems to have the jump on most of the party, bar Eric, he charges at one of the Berserkers, he quickly finds that there are 5 vampires and a strange looking dark gnome. With the help of the other Berserker they swarm around him and quickly bloodied Bob. The rest of the party are quickly on hand to dispatch a Berserk and kill off a few of the Vampires, and give Bob a heal. By this time the Priest had entered the fray and had a pop at Bob. But almost as quickly as the Priest had cast a spell he is hit with a Sleep spell from Rodney, this slowed him and a Vampire and then knocked him unconscious, this gave Frieda the change to Crit him with her sneak attack while he slept then spend an action point to Crit him again, this deal a massive 63 damage in one turn! Eligos then wandered over pinged him and he died, much to Frieda’s annoyance! During this melee Eric had commanded the second Berserker to walk down the pit. Then the rest of the Vampires and the gnome were quickly dispatched.

The Titans looked around and saw 4 dead vampires (having pulled one down the pit) one dead Berserker and a priest with a slit throat. But no Treasure, much to Glen’s annoyance. They also see that there is a bloodied chain down the pit to the level below.

After Rodney had cast his flaming sphere down the hole and found that there was a dead vampire down there the group decide to descend the chain. Bob and Eligos use Rodney’s floating disc to descend, the rest of the party try the chain. Frieda and Glen pass their DC to slide down the chain with no trouble, Eric and Rodney fail, but while falling Rodney casts Feather Fall on Eric to unsure only he takes and fall damage.

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