Monday, 28 February 2011

Background Bonuses

As all the party are new to role-playing we have not explored any more than the mechanics of how encounters work and how to kill bad guys. Therfore Garry (the former DM) suggested we award bonus of anyone who submits a character background to the DM. Hopefully this will help each player feel more in touch with their character inbstead of them just being a metal model they move around the board to kill monsters. I will not be postings the backgrounds yet as it is not yet clear how much character will know about each other, these may get added at a later date. But the bonuses are to be as follows once everyone has completed and sudmitted their background.

Eligos - Tiefling Warden

Nature Sense – Once per day in a natural environment when Eligos would make a initiative check she can use a nature check in place of her initiative check, also the whole party gain a +4 bonus to all defences until the end of the first round of the encounter.

Glen – Dwarf Fighter

Former Trader - Glen has a 50% chance of selling items for an extra 25%

Expert Swimmer - Glen can reroll athletics checks used to swim or tread water once per encounter

Note: Glen has extra bonuses as Sarah submitted a 2 page backstory.

Hogar – Half-Orc Beast master Ranger

Orc Hatred – Hogar scores a critical hit on orcs with a natural roll of 18,19 or 20.

Minron – Minotaur Hybrid Fighter/Cleric

Bloodied Ferocity- The first time Minron is bloodied during an encounter he can make a melee basic attack as a free action, if he does so, he grants combat advantage until the end of his next turn.

Vicrael – Half Elf Bard

Half Eladrin Teleport – Once per day as a move action Vicrael can Teleport 5 squares

Rodney – Human Wizard

Desert Blacksmith - 4 Fire Resistances


  1. I wondered if you would blog this week in the absense of an encounter!

    As the person who's idea it was I think I should get two bonuses if anyones going to!

  2. Garry your bonus is that you get to see everyone roleplaying!
