Eligos - Tiefling Warden
Nature Sense – Once per day in a natural environment when Eligos would make a initiative check she can use a nature check in place of her initiative check, also the whole party gain a +4 bonus to all defences until the end of the first round of the encounter.
Glen – Dwarf Fighter
Former Trader - Glen has a 50% chance of selling items for an extra 25%
Expert Swimmer - Glen can reroll athletics checks used to swim or tread water once per encounter
Note: Glen has extra bonuses as Sarah submitted a 2 page backstory.
Hogar – Half-Orc Beast master Ranger
Orc Hatred – Hogar scores a critical hit on orcs with a natural roll of 18,19 or 20.
Minron – Minotaur Hybrid Fighter/Cleric
Bloodied Ferocity- The first time Minron is bloodied during an encounter he can make a melee basic attack as a free action, if he does so, he grants combat advantage until the end of his next turn.
Vicrael – Half Elf Bard
Half Eladrin Teleport – Once per day as a move action Vicrael can Teleport 5 squares
Rodney – Human Wizard
Desert Blacksmith - 4 Fire Resistances
I wondered if you would blog this week in the absense of an encounter!
ReplyDeleteAs the person who's idea it was I think I should get two bonuses if anyones going to!
Garry your bonus is that you get to see everyone roleplaying!