Thursday, 3 March 2011


This week due to Emma getting a new job, and Sarah having friends over, we postponed the main adventure. Also as three of the characters will be changing in the upcoming weeks (Frieda to Hogar, Bob to Pieter and Eric to Minron) this gave us a chance to complete everyone’s back stories and get all the relevant miniature painted. So instead of progressing from the keep to the next adventure I ran two short encounters from Dungeon Delve. This gave Rich the chance to try out Minron (AKA Medium Ron) the Minotaur Hybrid Fighter/Cleric for the first time and Garry the chance to play test his updated version of Hogar. I decided to use the level 3 encounters as there were only 4 characters at level 4 instead of the normal 6 party members and it contained Orcs instead of Gnolls, so would give Garry and myself a chance to see how powerful Hogar’s extra 10% chance of crit’ing Orcs is going to be.  
A force of orcs has taken over a small hilltop keep. So a newly formed mini party of Rodney, Glen, Minron, Hogar and Hogar’s hunting Wolf Diefenbaker are engaged by the local lord to rid his home of the intruders. Fortunately for the party, the keep’s main doors are still damaged from when the orcs took possession, and entry is relatively easy. Unfortunately, the orcs are determined to stay. The party made there way into the keep and up the spiral stairs to the 1st level and are meet by a solid metal double door. Bravely Minron pushes open both doors to revel two glowing beetles provide light in the room, highlighting several cages and two orcs at the rear of the room is in shadow. Quickest to act is Hogar, who look around the room and noticed that it is indeed a room, ordered Diefenbaker to engage the first fire beetle as he advanced into the room and shoots a couple of arrows at the orcs while standing against the eastern wall. Minron, Rodney and Glen each moved in to tackle the beetles with melee and close burst attacks, the beetles hit back with a few effective close bursts of their own before succumbing to a some very effective sweeping blow and finished off by Rodney crit’ing with his Thunderwave.

The party also quickly dispatched the two orcs at the rear with ease. This left one orc who had been throwing hand axes at the party from an arrow slit. Glen moved to the bottom of the stairs then charge the orcs, Glen was very hastily joined by Rodney who shifted 12 squares to get close to the orcs and blasted him with his burning hands, but even before Minron could make his way up the stairs Hogar had finished the last orc off with a couple of arrows.

The party searched the room but found nothing other than a dead half elf in one of the cages. So moved though the double doors at the end of the room.

As the entered the second room they saw a cauldron in the middle of the room bubbles atop a blazing fire, and a banquet table to the right covered in leftover food and wine. Many orcs stand around the room, snarling and ready for battle. A quick monster check revealed that one of the orcs bar one were minions.

As Hogar was quickest to act once again he can Diefenbaker moved into the room and shot at couple of minions, the first arrow savagely taking an orc down by piecing his skull with precision, so excited by this he quickly pulled another arrow from his quiver and tried to load his bow only to mis-draw and catch his own face with the string. Rodney then entered the room and unleashed his burning hands taking out four of the orcs in one action. As burning orcs flesh filled the air Glen charged at the Orc berserker, the orcs was nearly in reach of Glen’s Urgrosh when he noticed that the floor textures had changed, he pulled up his run with just enough time to see Timber covered with, dropping into a 10-foot-deep pit. Clearly annoyed that Glen had not fallen for his trap the berserker move around the pit to entangle axes with Glen. Hogar, still picking off minions with his bow almost at will, ordered Diefenbaker to leap the pit and move into a position behind the berserker to aid Glen. This created an opening for the dwarf to cripple the Berserker with a crushing blow.

Over the other side of the room Rodney and Minron were battling with the rest of the minions, distracted by the hoard of orcs they did not notice a Orc shaman leap out of a cupboard at the side of the room. If this did not deter them the huge chaotic hammer that appeared behind them sure did as it swung and knocker both adventures to the floor. While Minron lay there hapless the shaman looked deep into his soul to show the rest of the orcs where his weaknesses were. This caused the soft points of his amour to glow a bright blue. Minions then swung axes and swords at Minron targeting his weak points time after time, this caused Minron who by now had got to his feet to bellow a bloodied rage and lash out at the closes orcs. As Rodney and Minron fought back carving though the minions each one gave a blood curdling roar and a final swing of their weapon before dropping to the floor, which started to take their toll on Minron. These wounds were nothing a bit of true Minotaur git and a healing word couldn’t fix though and soon Rodney and Minron stood with a pile of orc minions around them.

Still raged Minron charged at the shaman, now the only monster in the room, his horns caught the shaman squarely in the chest knocking him to the many feet backwards and leaving him on the floor. This gave Glen’s axe a easy opening to hit the shaman as he lay prone taking the shaman to a bloodied state. Hogar seeing that he shaman was clinging to life activated his flesh grinding sword, which cut through the orcs hide armour like butter, and deal a clean hit with his hunt’s end.

Outcome – Hunt’s end is not as good as it first looked due to only being able to target bloodied enemies; Minron is good but lacks a few hit points due to being a Hybrid, Glen’s encounter powers deal a lot of damage, Rodney owns minions. But most importantly for me Dungeon Delve is a great backup if I ever need to create an encounter quickly.

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